Hacho de Pizarra, Spain | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Hacho de Pizarra, Spain

27 November 2005

Today's outing took us on this gorgeous day to nearby Pizarra. From Marbella, we took the Ojen highway to Coin, then on to Cártama, and then on to Pizarra—all in all, about a 45-minute drive.

In the small town of Pizarra, we parked next to the "Recreation Area" (a small playground/park type thing), had a cafe-con-leche at the bar across the street, and then started walking up the Hacho de Pizarra walking route. Since my neck was a bit sore from jiu-jitsu this week, I didn't take the child backpack, and our poor little boy had to walk. ;-)

The walk starts out steep as it climbs through the playground, and then eases off as it continues upward. The path winds its way through some very pretty trees and rocks. It was kind of slow going with the little one having to fend for himself, but we finally arrived to the point where the path enters a giant rock, in which some steps have been constructed, leading to a "mirador" (a look-out) at the top. We had a snack, snapped a couple of pictures, and headed back down to the car.

Lunch was at the incredibly busy "Venta Platero", located almost at the entrance of Coin. We had some nice mixed salads, and rabbit in a garlic sauce. Definitely recommended.

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