Finding the Minimal Twist. | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Finding the Minimal Twist.

15 March 2010

This morning we launched the redesign of the Makalu Aerospace and Makalu Interactive websites. Makalu designer, Alex Bendiken (@minimaltwist), loves to add a twist to our designs. To celebrate the relaunch, we’re running a small competition.

The first person to find the minimal twist in our own new site (and email me about it) will win an iPod Shuffle.

Rules, there are three:

  1. In order to qualify, tweet the following announcement message on Twitter: Be the first to find the Makalu Minimal Twist to win an iPod Shuffle. See for details. #makalutwist (via @makalumedia)
  2. Check out the Makalu websites, and search for the Minimal Twist (you’ll know when you found it :)
  3. You must email me a description of the twist to matt (at) makalumedia (dot) com, with the subject, “I found the twist!” (Don’t publicly tweet the twist! :)

Good luck!

Matt (@mhenders)


Lots of good guesses, but nobody found it. The twist reveals itself after sending something via the contact form. :-)

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