RaceSplitter race timer for iPhone and iPod Touch | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

RaceSplitter race timer for iPhone and iPod Touch

31 January 2011

Last week, after seven months of design and development, we launched RaceSplitter, a high quality race timing application for the iPhone and iPod Touch. (It will also run on an iPad, in 2x mode; although, we are planning on a native version for the iPad as well.)

The application can record split times on multiple lap races, and has an innovative timing interface that provides three timing modes concurrently — the timing of a single racer, a group of racers or a sub-group.

In its first day in the AppStore, the application was the fourth highest grossing application of the day, in the sports category, and so we couldn't be happier about its reception so far.

More news about the application will be coming soon. In the meantime, follow @racesplitter on Twitter, if you're interested in keeping up with the application. You can also visit either of the following:

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