Fast access to the previous month's time report in Harvest | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Fast access to the previous month's time report in Harvest

14 January 2013

This article shows you how to use Keyboard Maestro to automatically access your Harvest timesheet report for the previous month. Enjoy!

At the beginning of each month, I invoice Makalu’s clients for the work we did in the previous month. We track our time at Harvest, and in order to see how many hours need to be invoiced I go to their website and click on “Report”→”Month”→”Left Arrow”. All in all, four steps.

Being lazy, I’d like to reduce this to one step.

With the help of our system administrator and unix wizard, Niall O Broin, I created a Keyboard Maestro macro that executes the following shell script, resulting in Safari opening the right URL to access the full report for the previous month. (Niall complained that OS X’s date function was trickier to deal with than the GNU function. Whatever.)

open -a /Applications/$(date -v -1m -v -$(date +%d)d -v +1d +%Y%m%d)&till=$(date -v -$(date +%d)d +%Y%m%d)&kind=month

If you use this script, you’ll want to replace the “makalu” in the URL with your own company’s unique identifier at Harvest.

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