Looking for a simple, menubar-based todo list | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Looking for a simple, menubar-based todo list

16 July 2013

At the end of each day, I go through my open tasks and identify the handful of todos that I plan to work on the next day. In addition, I also note any scheduled activities or appointments I have on the calendar.

I use Things as the central repository for all my tasks, and am very happy with it, but I'd love to find a menubar-based super simple task list to maintain this "daily list".

It doesn't need a hierarchy, it doesn't need to sync with anything and it doesn't need alerts. In fact, I'd prefer it not have any of that. It just needs to provide super-efficient editing of a list, the ability to open instantly with a keystroke, and the ability to display checked off items in strike-through (all, hopefully, in an elegant looking interface).

If such a utility existed, then each evening I'd update it with the next day's tasks and appointments, and then I'd frequently refer to it throughout the day, without having to leaving the current app in which I'm working.


Looks like I've found a good candidate, Taskdeck.

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