Email, please | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Email, please

12 October 2016

Because every WhatsApp “informational” group eventually devolves into a water cooler chat, my app badge currently shows 1,457 unread messages. Because I rarely open Facebook, its app badge shows 312 unseen notifications. Because I participate in seven Slacks, with several “channels” in each, there are currently 117 unread messages in there.

Add in iMessage, Skype, Basecamp, Google Hangouts, Telegram, Signal & Twitter DMs, and we have a clear situation of contact-point overload.

If it’s important that I see what you have to say, there’s only one reliable channel—email. If you contact me through any of the others, let me apologize in advance—because I probably won’t see it.

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