
The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Reading List

This page contains a listing, and in some cases reviews, of the books that have had some influence in my life.


Politics, Economics & Society

General Interest

Personal Finance & Investing

  • Money for Something --- I spent almost a year writing an introduction to investment, that can be read in an hour, while providing everything you need to get started. Start here.
  • Fail-Safe Investing, by Harry Browne --- Guide to the principles that make successful investors.
  • The Millionaire Next Door, by Tom Stanley and Bill Danko --- Results of a decade-long study, revealing who are, and aren't the world's millionaires.
  • The Investor's Manifesto, by William Bernstein --- Goes a bit beyond my book, but still in the category of introduction.
  • Rational Expectations, by William Bernstein --- Perhaps my favorite of all Bernstein books, focusing on asset allocation.
  • Investing for Adults, by William Bernstein --- Three-part, advanced series of investment-related essays, including Deep Risk, Skating Where the Puck Was and The Ages of the Investor.
  • The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham --- The great deep-dive into investing from the man who inspired Warren Buffet.

Health & Diet

Design & development


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