As a voracious listener of podcasts, this page contains a running list of my favorite episodes, along with a great introduction to cryptocurrency.
- David Senra of Founder's podcast on what makes great founders (MFM)
- Anthony Scaramucci on SBF (Capital Allocators)
- Kyle Davies with Hugh Hendry part 1 (history) and part 2 (collapse)
- William Hockey on hiring carefully and building slowly (20VC)
- Jim Collins on excellence (Tim Ferris)
- Ben Forman on opportunities in DeFi (Capital Allocators)
- John Pfeffer on adapting and evolving (Invest Like the Best)
- Paul English on building and selling six companies (MFM)
- Marty Cagan on great product managers (20VC)
- Palmer Lucky on Oculus, and the defense industry (MFM)
- ⭐️ Michael Munger on free markets (EconTalk)
- Balaji Srinivasan on the future (North Star)
- Lyn Alden on debt, dollar & bitcoin (On the Brink)
- Tony Sheng on DeFi yield farming (The Coinist Podcast)
- Andrew Wilkinson on the Berkshire model (vc:20)
- Balaji Srinivasan on the idea maze (Venture Stories)
- ⭐️ Sam Harris Can we pull back from the brink?
- Bill Gates on COVID-19 (Ezra Klein)
- David Heinemeier Hansson on remote work, money & other topics. (20:VC, 2020)
- Raoul Pal on a potential depression triggered by COVID-19. (Pomp Podcast)
- John Pfeffer on bitcoin position sizing (On the Brink)
- ⭐️ Dan Rasmussen on public and private equity. (Capital Allocators)
- Tim Urban on humanity's wild future. (Ezra Klein)
- Gavin Baker on tech & consumer growth investing. (Invest Like the Best)
- Bill Barhydt on Abra. (Pomp Podcast)
- Bill Barhydt on crypto (This Week in Startups, 2018)
- Keith Smith on free market health care. (EconTalk)
- ⭐️ Kevin Carter on emerging markets investing. (Meb Faber)
- Dawn Fitzpatrick on investing at Soros Fund (Capital Allocators)
- Ben Horowitz on what you are is what you do.
- Raoul Pal on repo markets (Tales from the Crypt)
- ⭐️ Raoul Pal on buy bonds, buy dollars, wear diamonds. (Meb Faber)
- Raoul Pal on bitcoin as a global recession hedge (What Bitcoin Did)
- Raoul Pal on The Fourth Turning. (Hidden Forces)
- Kyle Davies from Three Arrows (Base Layer)
- ⭐️ John Pfeffer on first-principles crypto for institutions thinking (Capital Allocators).
- ⭐️ Michael Munger on the primacy of transaction costs. (EconTalk)
- ⭐️ Michael Munger on crony capitalism (EconTalk)
- David Epstein on Wide or Deep (Invest Like the Best)
- Josh Wolfe on the tech imperative (Invest Like the Best)
- Cathie Wood on the intersection of genome, AI & blockchain (Pomp Podcast)
- Alex Danco on scarcity, abundance and bubbles (Invest Like the Best)
- Wences Casares on betting on bitcoin.
- Wences Casares on how bitcoin makes a fairer world (Unchained, 2018)
- ⭐️ Wences Casares on bitcoin (EconTalk, 2015)
- ⭐️ Naval Ravikant & Balaji Srinivasan present & future of crypto (Venture Stories, 2018)
- Naval Ravikant on how crypto is squeezing VCs (Unchained, 2017)
- ⭐️ Naval Ravikant the angel philosopher (Knowledge Project, 2017)
- Naval Ravikant the evolutionary angel (Tim Ferris, 2015)
- Naval Ravikant on happiness hacks (Tim Ferris, 2016)
- Ali Hamed of CoVenture.
- Cal Newport on digital burnout (Ezra Klein).
- Ari Paul on the current state of crypto (Pomp Podcast)
- Howard Lindzon on the science of seed investing (Pomp Podcast)
- Bill Barhydt on what's next for bitcoin (Pomp Podcast)
- ⭐️ Albert Wenger on societal transformations. A must-listen. (Invest Like the Best)
- Ali Hamed on esoteric credit (Invest Like the Best)
- Nikhil Kalghatgi of CoVenture on moonshot investing (Invest Like the Best)
- ⭐️ Ali Hamed on creative investing (Invest Like the Best)
- Jerry Muller on "The Tyranny of Metrics", complexity and incentives (EconTalk)
- Barry Diller (episode 1 and episode 2) on learning to unlearn (Masters of Scale)
- Aaron Brown on bitcoin derivatives (Nomics).
- Ben Roberts on being a crypto liquidity provider (Nomics).
- Dan Larimer on EOS (Epicenter).
- Olaf Carlson-Wee founder of Polychain Capital (Epicenter)
- Leemon Baird of Hedera Hashgraph (Hidden Forces, 2018)
- Leemon Baird of Hedera Hashgraph (Hidden Forces, 2017)
- Kyle Samani & Tushar Jain of MultiCoin Capital (Epicenter, 2018)
- Roger Ver on bitcoin cash (What Bitcoin Did)
- Tim Urban from Wait But Why (Kevin Rose).
- Jenny Rooke from Genoa Ventures on investing in genetics and therapeutics.
- Ari Paul on the crypto opportunity (Epicenter, 2017)
- Ari Paul how top crypto funds are trading (Hidden Forces, 2018)
- Dhruv Bansal on bitcoin as a political technology (Venture Stories, 2018)
- The very best introduction I know to the crypto space is Patrick O'Shaughnessy's Hash Power — A Documentary on Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies. In particular, listen to the first three episodes, covering blockchains, investing and the future.
What I'm currently subscribed to:
- Acquired
- Best of Making Sense with Sam Harris
- The Blockcrunch Podcast (candidate to cut)
- Capital Allocators with Ted Seides
- EconTalk (one of the best)
- Epicenter (crypto nitty gritty)
- Founders
- Invest Like the Best — Patrick O'shaughnessy
- The Knowledge Project — Shane Parrish (great, but on the chopping block)
- Making Sense — Sam Harris (on the chopping block, just too depressing!)
- Meb Faber Show
- My First Million (what I listen to the most)
- The Pitch
- The Scoop (on the chopping block)
- Tim Ferris Show (on the chopping block, too into himself.)
- The Twenty Minute VC
Podcasts I unsubscribed from, simply due to lack of time:
- Masters of Scale (might add back some day)
- Click Here to Apply — Tony Sheng
- Conversations with MultiCoin Capital
- Flippening — Clay Collins
- Grant Williams (really sad about that one, he's great)
- Hidden Forces
- Kevin Rose Show (seems abandoned)
- Lex Fridman (too much about love)
- Modern Finance with Kevin Rose (seems abandoned)
- Unchained
- We Study Billionaires (great podcast, just less interested in new investing ideas)
- Cyperpunk Bitstream (seems abandoned)
Questions or comments? — Feel free to email me using the contact form below, or reach out on Twitter.