Buggy Twitter website | Dafacto

The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Buggy Twitter website

16 April 2013

For being one of the world’s largest and most active online services, it’s surprising how buggy the Twitter website is.

This morning, using Safari on my Mac, I tried to do a little Twitter list management and immediately ran into the following issues:

  1. I created a list called "Products", and set it to "private". Even though the list settings indicate that it's private, the list is actually public:
  2. I couldn't add people to a couple of lists that I created. The spinner that appears when selecting a list checkbox—the one letting you know it's communicating with their server—would appear, but then the checkbox simply remained unselected. (Sorry, can't capture this in a screenshot.)
  3. When I then tried to delete these evidently unselectable lists, they continued to exist.
  4. My existing lists are not editable. If I try to change the title of a list and tap the Save button, the save button refreshes but the list title doesn't change.

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