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The personal website of Matt Henderson.


02 July 2013

Have you ever noticed that when surfing around the web you'll often see big banner ads to websites you've recently visited? That's due to this company—AdRoll. AdRoll-enabled sites set a cookie when you visit, allowing AdRoll to later display banner ads from those same sites when you visit other sites. (The notion is that repeat exposure is instrumental to conversion.)

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The difference between Grand Masters and amateurs

02 July 2013

Computer chess engines compute a factor for any given board position, which indicates which player’s in the lead and by how much. “1.5” would indicate that white is winning by about a pawn and a half, while “-3.0” would indicate that black is winning by a full minor piece.

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Discovered and fixed a huge CrashPlan log file

02 July 2013

A couple of days ago, I discovered that my CrashPlan log (in /Library/Logs/CrashPlan/engine_output.log) had gotten huge—over 60GB. Googling, I found this article that describes how to increase CrashPlan's memory. In cases where you have CrashPlan backing up millions of files, it can be necessary. After increasing the app's memory, and deleting the log file, it has since remained at a more reasonable 1.5GB.

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Spanish Chess Championship—Day 1

02 July 2013

The 2013 Spanish Chess Championship kicked off today just down the road in Salobreña. Of the 140 participants, our son started the event ranked 2nd in the sub-10 category. At the end of the day, he had won his first two games and took over the 1st place position in the rankings. Although they don’t let parents into the room where the kids are playing, the first 30 tables are electronic and broadcast their games live on the internet. The problem is that viewing them requires Java, which is incompatible with most tablets like the iPads.

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RaceSplitter invited to time the 2013 Vuelta Cerdanya Ultrafons

11 June 2013

The Vuelta Cerdanya Ultrafons (or VCUF) is an endurance event organized each year by Eduard Jornet, father of the world’s greatest endurance athlete, Kilian Jornet. From the rustic town of Puigcerdá—nestled along the Spain/France border near Andorra—four trail running races take place over the course of a long weekend: a 14km race, a 35km race, an 87km ultra-race and the ultrafons itself, at a mind-boggling 214km!

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