Recent performance of the Permanent Portfolio
23 April 2013
A friend of mine who started investing in the Permanent Portfolio several months ago, wrote to me with concerns about the porfolio's performance. Here's my reply to him.
The personal website of Matt Henderson.
23 April 2013
A friend of mine who started investing in the Permanent Portfolio several months ago, wrote to me with concerns about the porfolio's performance. Here's my reply to him.
17 April 2013
As it's unlikely that Evernote (the new owners of Skitch) are going to add Amazon S3 as an upload target for Skitch, I discovered a hack to make it happen.
16 April 2013
For being one of the world's largest and most active online services, it's surprising how buggy the Twitter website is. Read to find out why.
15 April 2013
Another reason for hosting your own email.
15 April 2013
In my job (probably just like you) I work with lot of files on my computer—images for websites, screenshots for the App Store, financial statements and receipts for the accountant. Here's how I assign standard names to all those files.
09 April 2013
And so it goes—I've now worked with every major telecommunications provider in Spain, and have had serious problems with all of them. Here's the latest about Movistar.
Eye opening comments on American poverty statistics.
02 April 2013
If you follow my blog via an RSS reader, you will need to update the site feed URL due to Google's shutting down of the FeedBurner service. Continue reading for details.