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The personal website of Matt Henderson.

My experience with the Paleo diet

01 October 2011

This is a long article, but one I think could be important to you. It’s about something that has proven transformative in my life. It’s about the Paleo diet, and I hope you enjoy it.

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The biology of productivity?

19 July 2011

I've been reading the book, "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes. If you're interested in understanding the relationship between eating and getting fat, then you must read the book. It could change your life.

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A message from Rand Paul (or, what pisses me off about the conservatives)

22 June 2011

How to best organize a society is certainly an area in which I’m hardly qualified to offer opinions. That said, having studied economics for a couple of years, what I’ve heard that makes most sense to me are the free-market, small government ideas of Milton Friedman. For that reason, I tend to gravitate towards conservative political candidates like Ron Paul.

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Timing of the 24 hours of San Pedro race with RaceSplitter

20 June 2011

This past weekend, the nearby town of San Pedro celebrated its annual "24 hours of sports" festival, during which a variety of sporting events are conducted over a one-day period. One of the events was a 2km race for the town locals. The Makalu team volunteered to provide timing service using our RaceSplitter product — an iPhone/iPad app used to time sporting events and races.

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