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The personal website of Matt Henderson.

2016 European Youth Chess Championship in Prague

30 August 2016

The 2016 European Youth Chess Championship took place in beautiful Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic, about eight kilometers outside the city at the historic Top Hotel. Lance and Andrea participated as part of the 30+ kids playing for the Spanish national team.

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1Password for Teams and Families incompatible with VPNs

10 August 2016

One of the services for which I’ve truly been happy to pay is 1Password for Families, which allows my wife and I to centrally manage information vaults that are shared among ourselves, and among our kids, across all our Mac and iOS devices.

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SendGrid made things right

14 July 2016

Update Readers will note that I’ve changed the title and URL of this article, and that’s because shortly after posting it, representatives of SendGrid reached out, apologizing for the situation, explaining that my situation isn’t what they intend, and offering to make it right.

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How to switch wifi networks with Keyboard Maestro

04 July 2016

In a recent blog post I explained how I secure my home network with a VPN. In that article, I also explained how I enabled external access to my home network, using the Slink software running on a Mac mini server, whose primary network interface is wifi connected to my ISP router, and second network interface is ethernet connected to my home gigabit switch.

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Spam from Spencer Mains and LiveRamp

01 July 2016

Continuing in my spammer Hall of Shame series, here’s an persistent (and ongoing) series of spam from Spencer Mains at a company called LiveRamp. Spencer, being the hipster type, is fond of “bumping his way to the top of my inbox”, in an effort to just “circle up” and “hop on a call.”

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