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The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Reconciling A Random Walk and The Great Wall.

03 June 2010

Dr. Burton Malkiel, professor at Princeton university, is one of my favorite authors on the subject of investing. His book, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, is considered one of the cornerstones of personal investing literature.  In 2008, Dr. Malkiel published another book, From Wall Street to the Great Wall, in which he makes the case for investing in China. Having read both books, I was puzzled by the apparent conflicts between the two.

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Building software is hard

12 May 2010

Its always difficult to tell potential customers that we simply dont know how long its going to take to build a software system, if said system is moderately complex. This is one reason we avoid fixed-priced projects when the cost of building something is unknown, you want to make sure both you and the customer are on the same side of the table. Its also why the principle of building the simplest system possible is so important.</p>

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Following Twitter in an RSS reader.

17 April 2010

Varied reasons for following people on Twitter (including sheer imprudence) has resulted in a stream disproportionately populated with tweets from people that I’m either not really interested in hearing from on a daily basis, or are a bit too prolific in their tweeting. And as a consequence, I often miss tweets from certain people from whom I want to read everything said.

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