The personal website of Matt Henderson.
Articles tagged Society
The case against identity politics
Milton Friedman on Greed
Taxes paid vs benefits received
An eye-opening example of the importance of mathematical literacy
On the right of government to mandate what we use as money
Politics, Society and Corruption
Beachbody seem to be stuck in the 1990s
Budgeting & Financial Monitoring in the Internet Age
Richard Feynman on knowing something
High-speed rail in California versus China
IRS claims it can read your email without a warrant
Cyprus and bank depositors
A study of the effects of nasty comments on reader perception
The inefficiency of government subsidized medical care
Obama’s reelection — are we on the path to Spain?
Moving abroad—proposal for a new Twitter feature
Reservations about Our Choice, and the Push Pop Press vision of tomorrow’s books
Spain not interested in productivity
Inadvertent worldview distortion
Are we entitled to data security?