Email Verification
14 December 2016
I’m the owner of a Gmail address that bears my name, in the form
The personal website of Matt Henderson.
14 December 2016
I’m the owner of a Gmail address that bears my name, in the form
13 December 2016
On December 1, the Canadian company formerly known as BitGold, sent an email to their customers, announcing a change that fundamentally affects how their customers use and experience the service.
13 December 2016
The first business email address I used, [email protected], now almost twenty years old, is the source of 95% of the spam I receive. I no longer use this address, and would simply like to kill it, but every now the arrival of an important message reminds me that decommissioning it could result in missing something important.
08 December 2016
When I signup for an online service, I like to use an email address that’s unique to that service, i.e. something like [email protected]. Email for is then configured to forward all incoming mail to my personal email address.
03 December 2016
This is the story of how Goldmoney botched the communication of a fundamental change in policy, that ultimately may lead to me taking my business elsewhere.
19 October 2016
Long-time Apple customers became accustomed over the years to thoughtful and delightful interaction design. As Apple has grown—and perhaps as Steve Jobs has passed, and Jony Ive’s involvement seems to be sunsetting—cracks have begun to appear.
12 October 2016
Because every WhatsApp “informational” group eventually devolves into a water cooler chat, my app badge currently shows 1,457 unread messages. Because I rarely open Facebook, its app badge shows 312 unseen notifications. Because I participate in seven Slacks, with several “channels” in each, there are currently 117 unread messages in there.
Add in iMessage, Skype, Basecamp, Google Hangouts, Telegram, Signal & Twitter DMs, and we have a clear situation of contact-point overload.
If it’s important that I see what you have to say, there’s only one reliable channel—email. If you contact me through any of the others, let me apologize in advance—because I probably won’t see it.
11 October 2016
Our company is bidding on the re-development of an existing product that has outgrown the technical framework on which it was originally built. The customer has received a handful of offers, and the range of costs and technologies found in those proposals is causing him considerable uncertainty in his choice.