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The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Data Loss in PGP 9 for MacOS X 10.4

13 May 2005

This is what I get for being an early adopter. I figured once the beta campaign was over, the release version of PGP 9 would be safe. Actually, it *is* generally safe, but I discovered a bad bug today. Here's what I sent to the PGP Support Forums:

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Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Notes

03 May 2005

I spent this past weekend, like so many other Macintosh geeks, installing the latest operating system from Apple, Mac OS X 10.4, also known as "Tiger." I'm going to update this post with notes:

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Another story in the “Only could happen to me” book

29 April 2005

About a week ago, my jiu-jitsu buddies and I were watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 52 on Friday night at a friend's house. As the cameras panned through the celebrities in attendance, lo and behold, there sat Dolph Lundgren. You know, of Universal Soldier, Rocky fame.

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The Playaz Ball Blog

28 April 2005

One of the higher quality content weblogs around, please welcome to the Intarnet, the Playaz Ball Weblog:

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Apple Mac mini

16 April 2005

While recently in the US, I took advantage of the Euro/Dollar exchange rate and bought an Apple Mac mini -- the stock $499 version, with only a 512MB memory upgrade. This small machine has turned out to be wonderful.

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What happened to April?

05 April 2005

The other day I visited the Spanish travel website,, to book some travel in April. As you can see in the screenshot, the pop-up menu for choosing the month was missing April. We've got Marzo (March), ..., Mayo (May), and Junio (June). What happened to April?

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