Browser-Based Man Reader
09 December 2004
The personal website of Matt Henderson.
09 December 2004
03 December 2004
I, like many Movable Type users, am getting loads of comment spam notification emails from the MT-Blacklist plug-in. Processing the comment spam usually goes something like this:
01 December 2004
It's been nearly a week since the mailman has delivered any mail. Even though I work at home, I consistently get "We couldn't deliver a package, because you weren't home." notices. The lady working at the post office lights up, and blows smoke in my face, sitting directly below a No-Smoking sign. My wife is given the finger for trying to cross at the intersection, when the crossing light is in green.
18 October 2004
Shirky: Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality. This is a very interesting article discussing the apparent fact that when a society can freely choose among a large number of options, the choices can be modeled by a power-law distribution—whereby a very small number of the options are selected in a hugely disproportionate manner.
18 October 2004
From a new Interview with Steve Jobs in Businessweek:
30 September 2004
Today we launched the website of Marbella Submission Fighters:
29 September 2004
Thinking about productivity lately, following are a few more tips relating to the minimizing the distractions and interruptions in our desktop environments (which I'm convinced is one of the big killers of productivity these days):
22 September 2004
The recent posts of Merlin Mann have re-kindled a long-time interest I have in the area of personal productivity. According to Peter Drucker, one of the defining aspects of our generation is the fact that, as a society of information workers, many of us are responsible for defining both what we do, and how we get it done. Complicating matters, many of us work in environments (i.e. in front of internet-connected desktop computers) that provide us with a continual barrage of inputs (email, chats, browsing, RSS feeds, phone calls, etc.). Defining what we should do, how it should be done, and then getting (the right) things done are some of the biggest challenges we face.</p>