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The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Windows Usability

26 August 2013

As a Mac user for the past 27 years, I’ve had little exposure to Microsoft Windows. My assumption, though, is that the usability of the Windows operating system has been improving over the years. Look like I may have been wrong.

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Sony Playstation Network doesn’t validate email accounts

22 July 2013

Someone named Dillon Henderson recently joined the Sony Playstation Network using my Gmail address, and I immediately began receiving two to four emails per day, as Dillon recharged his account and purchased content or games, or whatever it is you purchase on the network. (I guess Dillon’s middle name must be “Matt”.)

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Looking for a simple, menubar-based todo list

16 July 2013

At the end of each day, I go through my open tasks and identify the handful of todos that I plan to work on the next day. In addition, I also note any scheduled activities or appointments I have on the calendar.

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