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The personal website of Matt Henderson.

Following Twitter in an RSS reader.

17 April 2010

Varied reasons for following people on Twitter (including sheer imprudence) has resulted in a stream disproportionately populated with tweets from people that I’m either not really interested in hearing from on a daily basis, or are a bit too prolific in their tweeting. And as a consequence, I often miss tweets from certain people from whom I want to read everything said.

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How am I doing today, asks JungleDisk.

08 April 2010

Having long switched to better solutions — e.g. Dropbox and Backblaze — I’d kept my JungleDisk account around because, uh… well, I’m not really sure anymore. Anyway, that’s besides the point. This morning, I logged into the JungleDisk billing interface to change my billing method from one AMEX card to another AMEX card. Simple enough, right? Wrong.

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The benefits of setting limitations.

04 April 2010

I’m currently reading “The Power of Less,” by Leo Babauta, the guy behind the blog. The book focuses on the benefits of setting limitations on what we do and consume, and focusing on the essential things in life. Right now, I’m reading the chapters on setting limitations.

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A timely quote, from 55 BC.

03 April 2010

“The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC

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Homenaje de los 101km de Ronda.

29 March 2010

Each year in March, “La Sufrida” organize an event in Ronda, Spain, in homage to their annual “101km of Ronda” race (which takes place in May). The March “Homenaje,” just like its big brother in May, offers three modes of participation — a 69 km mountain bike ride, a 44 km run or a 70 km duathlon (run and bike). Last weekend, Pino and I participated in the event — her doing the run (crazy, I know), and me doing the mountain bike ride.

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iPhone vs Android.

24 March 2010

Today at lunch, the Makalu design team had a fierce debate with the Makalu development team over the relative merits (or lack thereof) and likely futures of the iPhone vs the Android. I won’t go into the details of the debate, as the following photo pretty much sums things up.

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