Articles about Technology
- Apple Music Service
- Mac OS X Hacks
- iTunes 4 Warning
- Disk Utility Fix Permissions & CommuniGate Pro
- ImageWell
- Telefónica España and Proxy Caches
- ddclient for
- Music Encoding Options
- Cnet Article about the Apple Music Service
- iPhoto Library Manager
- Shell Aliases
- iPhoto Library Manager (Revisited)
- RadioLover
- Shell Script Launcher
- iTunes Blog Integration
- Powerbook Disk Failure
- AddressBook Access from the Command Line
- MacOS X and Linux Metaphor
- Neat Finder Tip
- Mailsmith 2.0 Released!
- Apple Address Book Network Integration
- Corrupted PreferencePanes Cache
- Reading on the Palm
- DirectNIC Revisted: Look what I found!
- Making Life Difficult
- Palm Developers, Where's my RSS Newsreader?
- Palm RSS Reader
- TCP/IP over Bongo Drum
- StuffIt Deluxe 8
- Palm Software and the G5
- DEVONthink Usage Tip : Daily Notes
- 12″ Powerbook G4
- Apple and HP
- What is Mac OS X?
- LaunchBar 4 Beta
- Weblog Management with ecto
- PGP and Apple Mail Integration
- Compost for MacOS X
- SpamSieve AppleScripts
- Migration of a Movable Type Installation
- palmOne Zire 72
- Volume Logic for iTunes
- Website Localization
- What’s on your Logitech?
- MT-Blacklist Upgrade
- Backing Up with Rsync
- On-the-Fly Emailing
- MacOS X Services Menu
- Recent Software Purchases
- SnapzPro Pro 2.0.1 Sound Track Problem and Solution
- Canon LiDE 30 Scanner
- OmniWeb 5.1 Wishlist & RSS News Reading
- OmniWeb Bookmark Syncing — Who would have known?
- NetNewsWire 2.0 and MarsEdit 1.0 (Betas)
- Automated Comment Deletion from MT-Blacklist Emails
- Browser-Based Man Reader
- A MacOS X System for Automating Movable Type Comment Spam Deletion
- Filing Email Messages within Apple Mail
- OSX Application Help
- Take Control of Your Airport Network
- Booting into Single User Mode on MacOS X without Restarting
- My Incompatibility with AppleScript
- To File or Not To File
- Address Book Plug-In for Dialing with Skype
- Apple Mac mini
- Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Notes
- Data Loss in PGP 9 for MacOS X 10.4
- Trends in Mac application development
- The Scanner
- What’s on your Treo 650?
- MacOS X Backup Strategy
- Mac: Bookit
- Mac: WorkStrip
- Encrypting multiple files using PGP 9 on Mac OS X
- Favorite Macintosh OSX Applications
- Add the date to the MacOS X menu bar.
- WordPress Pages or Posts?
- Migration to WordPress from Movable Type on MacOS X and Linux
- Control iTunes Remotely
- Adobe's Upgrade Policy
- Macworld Notes
- Desktop Mailing List Management
- WebnoteHappy
- Amazon for Quick Backup
- iTunes Killer Application — Better List Purchasing
- Entering the world of GPS with the Garmin 60Cx
- RSS / Email / Notifications / Demographics
- Upgrading Quickbooks 2005 to 2007. Get with it Intuit!
- I miss my old Paperport
- MacFUSE, MacFusion, Dreamhost and rsync Backups
- Shuffles + Headphones + Device Acquisition Strategies
- Tricky problem when using rsync to mirror and archive Linux to MacOS X
- WordPress to Drupal Weblog Migration
- How to geo tag photos on Mac OS X using Garmin devices and HoudahGeo (and then display on Flickr)
- How to create POIs from Google My Maps on Mac OS X for a Garmin Nuvi GPS
- Drupal to WordPress Weblog Migration
- How to update the firmware of a Seagate 1.5TB drive on Mac OS X
- Pixmania User Experience (or is it eXpansys?)
- Rethinking security after the Twitter/TechCrunch fiasco
- Experimenting with Google Voice and Skype
- Test results related to iPhone OS 3.0 3G network speed problems
- Upgraded my MacBook with a Solid-State Drive (SSD)
- Fixed: Blank pages returned after posting comments in WordPress
- My data storage and backup system
- Easier tweet authoring with LaunchBar.
- Twitter-based customer support FTW.
- Change of domain name —
- iPhone vs Android.
- Can’t cancel a Screen Sharing window. Skitch saves the day.
- How am I doing today, asks JungleDisk.
- Following Twitter in an RSS reader.
- Startup disk recovery and repair — lessons learned.
- Needed: Scheduled disabling of the iPad’s cellular data connection.
- Reactions to Paul Graham’s views of future trends.
- Faster archiving to a server-connected Drobo
- Will the real Doug Bowman please stand up?
- Apple and the iOS market blind spot
- Daylite local offline database not present in Daylite Server
- How to batch process videos using HandBrake and Hazel
- An interview with Notational Velocity developer Zachary Schneirov
- How to never forget to enable your time tracking timer.
- Migrating from a 2011 to 2012 MacBook Air
- Encrypting external USB bootable backup drives with Disk Utilities
- Table of contents missing when converting from EPUB to MOBI
- Running your own server-side spam filter with SpamSieve
- Deleting old spam messages with AppleScript
- A weekly plannerthe missing killer feature from Things
- Fast access to the previous month's time report in Harvest
- My simplified backup system using CrashPlan
- Getting rid of those annoying “Open With…” duplicates
- Silent Email Filtering Makes iCloud an Unreliable Option
- Mysterious problem with my Mac
- Daylite and Direct Mail for managing customer relations and communications
- Name Mangler 3 for fast and efficient file renaming
- How to upload Skitch images to Amazon S3 using Dropzone
- Using a custom domain for your Dropbox public files URLs
- HelpScout for customer support & product documentation
- iCloud syncing of Mail rules
- Simplifying our hosting infrastructure
- Orphaned Facebook apps
- Discovered and fixed a huge CrashPlan log file
- The downside for developers of automatic app updating in iOS 7
- Google Authenticator broken in iOS7. Use Authy instead.
- Proposal for a centralized credit card data access service
- Switched to Parallels and then back to VMWare
- My wish for the September iPhones
- Using a Contacts group in my email ReadLater rule
- How to move folders that are synced with BitTorrent Sync
- Weekend at the computer—Dropbox, BitTorrent Sync and unencryptable drives
- Receiving email for virtual users in OS X Server 10.8
- Calling Gmail technical support (yet another scam story)
- Photo management — from Aperture to a file system and Everpix
- My iPad mini seems to have a hardware problem
- Fixed — Daylite can’t connect to server after Mavericks upgrade
- iPad is Disabled
- Pausing the Cloud
- My wish for Ulysses — Dropbox integration
- iCloud syncing of rules and Smart Mailboxes
- Disable iCloud Keychain to fix icbaccountsd problems
- Fixed — Stopped the tccd process in Mac OS X Mavericks from consuming CPU and memory
- How to setup a roaming wifi network over ethernet with an Airport Extreme and Airport Express
- Keyboard Maestro macro to get URL to selected message in
- Reflections on my first few weeks of listening to podcasts
- How to share confidential documents using Dropbox and Espionage for Mac
- Arbitrary scheduling in Keyboard Maestro
- Junk mail mystery — Nearly every message in is being marked as spam
- Using Keyboard Maestro to create todos in OmniFocus 2 that are linked to original messages in Mail
- Simpler method of getting message-linked todos into OmniFocus 2
- The Odyssey of getting my data into Amazon Glacier
- A Dropbox disaster
- Unable to install OS X Yosemite on Mid-2011 iMac
- Rego is a great alternative to Pin Drop
- iTunes Match lost all my music (and then I got it all back)
- How to transfer digital assets upon ones death
- How to setup a WordPress site on a Mac mini running OS X Server Yosemite
- How to secure Mac and iOS devices with the Cloak or PIA VPN
- Using Tresorit to manage and share confidential data on a Mac
- Why I switched from DreamPress to GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting
- BitTorrent Sync vs Dropbox
- Search for the elusive, perfect file & screenshot sharing tool
- Initial impressions of the Overcast podcast app
- Should I restart my Mac each day?
- Feature request for 1Password Provide PIN opening on TouchID enabled devices
- How to create a kill-switched VPN on Mac OS X with Little Snitch
- Migrating Mac OS X local mail to IMAP
- WordPress Hosting — From DreamHost to DreamPress to GoDaddy to DigitalOcean
- How to disable root login on a DigitalOcean droplet
- iCloud Photo Sharing
- How I migrated my snippets from TextExpander to Keyboard Maestro
- Mac OS X — admin vs wheel group (and how that affected CrashPlan)
- The importance of external bootable backups
- Using WordPress redirection plugins to create easy-to-remember social links
- How to protect your home network with a VPN router
- How to switch wifi networks with Keyboard Maestro
- My awful experience installing Windows 10 in VMWare Fusion 8
- How to manage a Tomato router via the CLI using Keyboard Maestro
- 1Password for Teams and Families incompatible with VPNs
- Why keeping it simple would be a better choice for TransferWise
- The difference between developers and product designers
- Disappointing interaction design at Apple
- Support Authentication
- Decommissioning old email addresses with FastMail
- Email Verification
- How to perform a currency lookup in a Numbers spreadsheet
- How to selectively run Keyboard Maestro macros in a synchronized environment
- iCloud Drive stuck uploading and downloading files in Mac OS X Mojave
- The case for owning Bitcoin
- The Dummies Edition of The New, New World Order
- How to change the battery of a 4iiii power meter
- How to display category and tag counts in Jekyll
- How to run multiple Spacemesh nodes in MacOS, using a cloud provider to create your postdata
- The infallibility of official, open-source and audited software